Summertime Reading
Currently I am reading the book pictured above. The Sewing Machine. This book hops around in time from the Singer Factory Strike of 1911, to present day. The people and their stories all relate to a vintage Singer 99K hand crank sewing machine. I’ve been enjoying it thoroughly and its one of those books that I find myself not quite wanting to end. It just gives me a cozy nice feeling reading it. That’s not to say everything happening in the book is happy, but overall it leaves me with a nice feeling.
Audiobooks I’ve listened to this Summer include…
–Good Morning Midnight:I heard about this book on an epsiode of What Should I Read Next podcast. I loved this book. While it is a story about the end of the world, it is also about loneliness, the choices we make, and human connections. If you liked Station Eleven I think you would like this one too.
–Sleeping Giants & Waking Gods: The first book took me two tries to get into the story and I’m not sure why but I think the style of writing held me up at first. Parts are written as interviews, interrogations, etc. Once I got into things I was excited to move onto the second book. I’m still waiting on book three from the library. The book begins when a little girl named Rose falls into a hole. When firemen arrive to rescue her they see she is resting in the palm of a giant metal hand. There were parts of these books that made me think of the battles in the Neon Genesis Series between Eva’s and Angels. Then in book two that series is brought up by one of the characters Eva who says she was named after a robot in a Japanese anime series!
You can find a list of all the books I’ve read so far this year here on my Goodreads account. Have you read anything this Summer that really stands out to you? I am always looking for book recommendations!
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