My 13th Blog-birthday giveaway! (closed)
Since I’ve reached my 13th blog-birthday I thought I’d do a little giveaway to celebrate! I have 13 little wrapped gift packages made up of various things from my creative career. What you see above is just a little peek of some things I gathered up rather quickly. I’ve got plush (handmade and licensed), stickers, cards, charms, keychains, fabric…all sorts of random goodies. I’m going to give away 7 here, and 6 over on instagram. All you need to do is leave a comment on this blog post (or the one I post on instagram) telling me something about yourself.
I’ll use the random number generator to pick the winners on April 30th.
Hi guys, the winners are below! If you see your name please contact me at with your mailing address…
I forgot there is a plug-in on wordpress that allows you to put in the # of winners and will pick for you, so thats what I did for the blog comments..
I blocked out parts of your email for privacy sake.
As for instagram I was going to print out all the comments but it said it would be 12 pages! Instead I copy and pasted all the comments into a website called Random Name picker. You usually would just put it names but that would take way too much time. I put in the whole comments and figured if it picked a comment (instead of username) I could just look up and see who it was written by. Luckily it only did that once and I already knew who the comment was from because its someone I know in real life! I know a few of my real life friends were saying today that they didn’t enter because it would look unfair, but this really was randomly generated and I think it would be unfair if I didn’t give her a prize :) Anyhow winners are below and again please send me an email with your mailing address!