My friend Jessee and I joined the DC Modern Quilt Guild and signed up for one of their swaps right away. I made this travel sewing bag by starting with a design to make a
makers tote (love this pattern) but then I made a few changes. I made a quilted front pocket, made the tote a bit longer, and added the zipper along the top edge. I added gummi bears since my partner said they were her favorite, and a few other small goodies which I didn’t photograph.
The swap had some questions to fill out explaining things you liked, and my partner said “bright + saturated colors, neon, linen, chambray, metallic. i like everything from the florals in flower sugar to the minimalism of carolyn friendlander. have fun!” so I wanted to combine chambray and bright colorful fabrics with a little bit of neon. I had to order the chambray and the pink dot because I knew I wanted to use both of those, but the rest of the colorful stuff actually came from my stash. I even had a little bit of neon from the Cotton & Steel fabrics, so it worked out really well.