Summer Bucket List

I felt that creating a list of activities would be fun for both of us, and I’d get to try some things I have never done either. We started off making paper, which is something I used to do a lot of about 15 years ago. I used to have a book back then (I tried to remember the title and search for it, but no luck) it was all about making paper from items like corn husks & banana peels. I did come across this book
We used scrap paper and an old blender, and made our deckle box out of some $1 wooden frames from Michaels craft store. You can find instructions on paper making below in our Summer list. Paper making is super simple, and you can get such fun results with inexpensive tools. You can find blenders at thrift shops, and make your deckle box out of inexpensive items.
We have also dyed yarn with acid dyes, and then went over our yarn again when we got some new dye colors. Cleaned & washed the wool from the Maryland Sheep & Wool fest and then dyed it. Took a pottery class at the local college, and planted cat nip and cat grass. You can see our list below with links. I’m sure I’ll be adding to our list all Summer long.
Summer Bucket List
–Dye yarn & wool with acid dyes
-take a ceramics class
-plant and grow catnip
–harvest and dry catnip
–make cat toys with dried catnip
–clean raw wool
–make paper
–make homemade marshmallows
–make homemade bath bombs
-pick strawberries
–make strawberry jam
–make zines
–draw and have custom rubber stamps made
–make nail polish marbled beads
–make cold process soap
–make books from our handmade paper
–make salsa from garden tomatoes