Here are a few photos from my phone all taken in December…

Here is a big wrinkly quilt I made my sister for Christmas, it’s not my finest work, there are a few areas I’d love to requilt…but I hope it will be used and once washed the things that bother me will hopefully be less noticeable.

I spent a lot of time in the ceramic studio. This fancy photo was taken in the studio bathroom, and I probably looked like this most days..messy hair.

I was very pleased to sell a lot in the ceramic studio shop this December. Selling online is great but it does mean photos and then packing up breakable items to ship. Selling in the studio shop is as easy as attaching a tag! The day I was working on the witches we had a bunch of carolers come in and sing. I’m sure they were thinking “what is this weirdo doing making ceramic witches days before Christmas!”

I found this gingerbread doll at an antique shop a few years ago and have never been able to find anything about it online, not even any other photos. I tried searching old cut and sew printed fabrics too because it looks like it might possibly be one, but no luck. This year I drew the gingerbread and printed two sizes with Spoonflower. I made the tiny ones into bean bags but want to turn them into ginger scented sachets before next year. I also found this silly Santa at the thrift shop and brought him home with me.

My husband bought me this
rubber chicken coin purse
for Christmas but gave it to me early, I use it to hold my meter change and whenever I get it out to feed the meter it makes me smile! I did so much baking in December. I made so many batches of these
cinnamon scones, homemade bread followed by my first bread pudding later in the week with some of the leftover bread, and of course cookies galore.
We’ve been having some bitter cold around our area the past few days so I’ve been making lots of soups and stews for meals. Tomorrow I have plans to bake banana bread, throw some mugs, and finish up some plush ice cream cones for a Valentine shop update I’m planning for the end of January. I hope everyone’s year is off to a great start.