A few weekends ago Molly and I decided to take a mini road trip to York PA. I kept seeing people post about Halloween items from a store called At Home, and neither of us had ever been. We decided to have a fun day trip hunting for Halloween items and getting some Maple donuts.

I wore orange and black and my lucky little pumpkin necklace for the occasion. This stitch marker turned necklace is a tiny version of my gourd guys that
Sweet Cherry Shop sent me a few years ago as a gift. I love it so much!

While the At Home store was big, and did have lots of Halloween items in the end we each only bought one thing. I got a gourd fella who reminds me of something from Nightmare Before Christmas and Molly found a shower curtain. There was also lots of Christmas items we both liked, but the prices were a little more then we wanted to spend.

Here is Molly with a swan we both loved, but it was $40.

The deer were cute vintagey (though I wish they weren’t covered in the glitter stuff) and they were a bit more affordable at $10 each. Still we resisted mostly due to the glitter.

They also had some really cute pots! I loved all the little faces!

Afterwards we headed to Maple donuts for pumpkin spice, maple cream, whoopie pie, fruity pebbles, and all kinds of other amazing flavors!

Here are the items I came away with…the skeleton is from Home Goods, then the gourd with pointy teeth was my At Home find, the next little gourd was also from Home Goods, and the ceramic pumpkin witch I actually found at Walmart a few days beforehand!