Books & where to find them…

Some times though I just want a physical book, and I was talking with a friend about some of my favorite places to buy books inexpensively and she hadn’t thought of two of the places I mentioned for books so it got me thinking that it might be something I should share on the blog. This is in no way sponsored, I just love books and hope someone finds it helpful.
I’ll divide it up into a few different posts so as not to overwhelm you with book photos. Today I thought I’d talk about Ollie’s Bargain Outlet. If you’ve never been inside an Ollie’s you might not even realize they have books. According to their website they currently have 249 stores, so if you are not sure if you have one nearby check their store locator.
Here’s the thing about Ollie’s, it is a bargain outlet. There will be Easter candy in the middle of the Summer, you might stumble upon a bunch of “as seen on tv” junk, but they have books! Lots and lots of books.
I took a short trip to one of the three Ollie’s in my area to give you a small glimpse. During this trip the most expensive single book I saw was $6.99 (and that’s not typical) most books are in the range of $2.99-$4.99.