

This Summer I have been getting back into spinning yarn. I used to spin and sell yarn over a decade ago, but took many years off. My poor wheel sat in the attic gathering dust, and it felt so great to get it out and start spinning again very regularly. I heard about a swap called Fibreshare and knew it would be just the thing to help keep my spinning mojo going.
Above you can see the sneak peek I shared when I shipped out my partner’s package. With Fibreshare you can choose your interest (I picked spinning, though knitting would of been great too!)
My partner said she loved earth colors, and really wanted to spin with silk cocoons but could not find any. I found some for her on Etsy, and gathered some earth tone fibers at a fiber fest I attended, and found a few items from my stash. I sent the newest issue of Ply spinning magazine, and sewed up a little project bag using on of my favorite sheep-themed fabrics.
Here you can see the beautiful parcel I received! So many lovely things, I have already spun up yarn from a bunch of the fiber, and the chocolate and tea are long gone! I can’t wait until fibreshare offers another swap, I’ll be sure to sign up again.