Just Two Words: Crab & Orange

Just Two Words: Crab & Orange

This week I am feeling a little guilty. For our Just Two Words project we chose Orange (I picked it because I liked how it had a few meanings like color, fruit, and I saw a lot of orange things in Florida) and Jessee picked crab, and we decided to make an umbrella. I was really stumped on the crab, drew a bunch and didn’t really like them. I thought about doing something with zodiacs and the color orange, but nothing really felt right. Of course then I looked up crab to see if there could possibly be a definition I wasn’t aware of. There is of course crab apple, and crab the lice (that would make quite an interesting umbrella) but nothing felt right. Then I looked up to see if Orange Juice was known to improve mood, or get you out of a crabby mood, and eureka! No matter how I tried to include this crabby tidbit on my umbrella nothing worked. In the end I decided on a hang tag. I’ll avoid this trick in the future as I feel its a little like cheating.

it was also fun this week because I used my new tablet to trace my designs in photoshop. I love that it gives everything a imperfect hand drawn feel. I can’t wait to mess around with it more.