2013: 12 Months in (about) 12 photos

2013 was the year…
-I hosted 9 crafternoons!!
-a bunch of new kid robot plush came out
-there were Blythe meet-ups
-a couple of in-state road trips
-a cat party for my guy who turned 10
-my collaboration with Peter Alexander launched in Australia
-I had my first Yummy trading party in NY
-tried my hand at selling at a flea market booth (fail!)
-made some silly cat donuts
-Kurtis graduated, turned 18, and went off to college!!!!
-I curated my first art show The Little Golden Years
-had a Yummy signing in FL
-celebrated 10 years of blogging
-took a trip to Chicago with Thomas
-got 5 new tattoos
-sewed a bunch of stuff
-took a road trip to Salem MA & Maine
-Went to Blythecon in NYC
-celebrated 11 years of marriage
Besides all these gems it was also the year that I did terrible when it came to working out & eating right-damn the donuts!!! I found out there is a company ripping off a few of my designs and putting them in claw machines, and 2013 was the year that my grandfather passed away, and my uncle lost his battle with lung cancer. Despite the lows, this year has been mostly highs and I am so grateful for that.
In 2014 I’d like to make more, travel more, and try new things!
I also have a goal of reading 50 books this year, I’m almost finished book #1