sock bunny

My little guy has been dropping hints that he is hoping to find another sock friend in his Easter basket this year (like last year’s sock elephant) I decided to make him a sock bunny, but I wanted it to look like the traditional sock monkey…it was easy to make a few small changes, and bunny it is. I made the little chart above with cut paper and photoshop to explain how I cut the socks. The eyes and noses are buttons and the whiskers are simply thin brown ribbon.
Socks should be turned inside out. Use the chart above as a guide. The first sock will simply be sewn on the dotted lines, leave the space between the legs open as this is where you will turn the body right side out.
Once the two legs are sewn, carefully cut the legs apart stopping right in the crotch area. Use this hole to turn your bunny right side out and stuff him. Hand stitch the opening closed.
Use a piece of string to tie his neck tightly.
With the next sock cut the ears and arms portions off and sew them just like you did the legs. This time when you cut them apart you will have two loose arms and two loose ears. Turn them all right side out.
Stuff just the arms, leave the ears unstuffed for a good floppy bunny look. Hand stitch each appendage and ear closed. Then stitch them in place on your sock rabbit body.
Next cut out the mouth portion and hand stitch it onto the face, before you sew it all the way on leave a small opening so you can stuff it with polfil, then stitch closed.
Now you can add a pom pom tail, some button eyes, ribbon whiskers and a button nose. :)