On Saturday we began our day with a Magical high tea at local tea room
Tranquilatea. They had floating candles and little HP decorations on the walls. The teas were listed as Professor Snape’s potions, and I went with Ravenclaw (my house blend) featuring chocolate as smooth and dark as a raven’s wing with notes of coconut and macadamia nuts. The food included items like Professor Sprout’s fruit salad, golden snitch scones, pumpkin pastie finger sandwiches, peanut butter chocolate frogs, treacle tarts, mini banoffie pies, and butterbeer bars. It was lots of fun and everything was very tasty!
Afterwards we went walking around downtown. The mainstreet was closed off to cars and there were some fun vendors like brooms & wands.

There was a map and free scavenger hunt where you could visit local businesses to pick up all your items for Hogwarts. Lots of local businesses decorated for the occasion.

There was a free care of magical creatures demo, Gildroy Lockhart book signing, paint parties, a showing of Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone, quidditch, free wand making workshops, a free Nearly Headless Nick’s 524th Deathday Party, magic show, Wizarding Trivia Tournament, and Harry Potter-themed artwork in the downtown galleries.
website for the festival is here incase you’d like to come next year. I can’t wait for the festival to grow even bigger and better each year.